About Us

Founded in 2018, by the Kalpathi AGS Group - Veranda Learning Solutions is a public listed education technology company that offers a bouquet of training programs for competitive exam preparation, including State Public Service Commission, Banking, Insurance, Railways, IAS, and CA, as well as a slew of professional skilling and upskilling programs. Veranda Learning forayed into high-demand financial courses such as Chartered Accountancy through India’s premier CA test-preparation institute, J. K. Shah Classes. Veranda Learning Solutions’ platform combines technology, processes, and methodologies to provide high-quality, in-depth, personalized learning opportunities and content to learners across the country. Dedicated to creating an impact on students and delivering successful academic outcomes, Veranda adopts a multi-modal delivery system backed by a rigorous and disciplined learning framework. The company provides services through a host of brands: Veranda RACE, Veranda IAS, Edureka, Six Phrase, Veranda HigherEd, Edureka Learning Centre, SmartBridge, BAssure Solutions, Talent Academy and Publications, Sreedhar’s CCE, Educare Infra and PHIRE.

We are enthusiastic, expertized, and excited people who are constantly looking for problems to solve and products to build.

Our Mission

Build, Scale as One Stop Destination for Quality and Value Centric talents and Solution Delivery

Our Vision

Bridge the gap in IT Digital talents Supply-Demand & shift the Indian IT industry’s perspective from cost arbitrage to business value creation

Why BAssure?

With our unique agile DNA, we strive to be the front runners in solving industry problems and in building innovative products and solutions.

Our engineers are constantly striving to create meaningful changes in clients’ businesses by providing value-added services that align with the rapid evolution of the market

0 Full-stack Digital Engineers and growing with significant numbers
0Years of Digital Engineering and Solutions Delivery Experience
0Years of Consulting Experience
0Digital Experts added Through Reskilling and Upskilling

What We Do

We Do Best

Our culture here is rooted in innovation, learning, and a result-oriented mindset which puts the end-customer’s experience as the primary focus.

Our ability to evolve to newer, disruptive technologies quickly and smoothly will help our clients stay ahead of the curve in their markets.

An amalgamation of Consulting led approaches, expertise in Digital Engineering Tools & Technologies enables our Competitive Team to deliver superior outcomes that surpass client expectations.

An all-inclusive workforce combined with a transparent working domain will assuredly yield fresh perspectives and variety in ideas.

A great Mentoring team assures the ideal environment to nurture a culture of unlearning and relearning. Anything sprouting out from such an environment can be nothing but excellent.